Hawkeye Petcare
Services include dog training, pet sitting and dog walking, rates below:
Training session................................................................$50/hr
Dog walking.....................................................................$40/hr
Pet Sitting:
Drop-in visit....................................................................$30/visit
Overnight boarding (in sitter home)..................................$80.00/night
Overnight sitting (in client home).....................................$120.00/night
To schedule a consultation, please email hawkeyepetcare@gmail.com, or proceed to BOOKING
More Information:
Training Sessions: (60 min)
We will begin by a comprehensive work-up of any basic issues, including potential health issues that may or may not be affecting the behavior, along with a detailed walk-through of how and when the behaviors happen. We will then together come up with a behavior plan including training strategies & changes to help your dog (or cat...I've successfully trained cats out of certain behaviors believe it or not!) thrive in their home and family environment. This is a holistic behavioral plan aimed to help the owner and the animal work together. Plenty of trainers are willing to come to your home and tell you what to do, but not many trainers take into account that every home, family, and animal relationship is different. I know this from firsthand experience with multiple trainers working with fear and food aggressive dogs. Dog training is a lot like classroom teaching in that you get out of it what you put into it, and clients only really benefit when the trainer tailors the behavior plan to the individual animal and family.
Some of the issues I've addressed with dogs in the past include: fear aggression, food aggression, separation anxiety, sleep issues, food issues, barking, jumping, over-protective behaviors, leash-pulling, recall, destructive behaviors and more. It all comes down to the dog and the family and creating space for the best possible outcome for all.
Dog Walking (60 min)
Who hasn't heard the phrase "a tired dog is a happy dog"? Dogs are a lot like people. If you stop exercising and moving your body, mental & physical health will surely decline - and the same goes for dogs! However, each dog is different, depending on age, breed, health factors and personality, each dog has a different exercise preference. During our consultation, we will discuss your individual dog's needs. Some dogs want to be walked near home, while other dogs would love a car ride to their favorite park for a nice stomp. During our walk we work on loose-leash training and basic walking and (on-leash) recall commands, as well as being safe and polite to other humans and animals we pass on the way. You will get a text update and picture from every walk letting you know that your pup has arrived home safely and is snug as a bug in a rug at home. I like to use every walk as a positive training experience for the dog (and for myself!) as each day is a new chance to learn.
Pet Sitting Services
Drop-In Visits:
Your drop-in visits are catered to the needs of your animal, the safety of your animal and home, and your personal preferences. I offer other services as well per visit catered to the client, which we work out during our initial service consultation.
Generally speaking, I start off each visit with a brief safety check: does the house look secure? Are there any clearly visible signs of a break-in or tampering with doors/windows? Does the animal look safe or are they in distress? If everything looks good, on that first brief check, I take dogs out to relieve themselves first or if this is a cat home, I ascertain where the cats are. For dogs, we will spend a bit of time (weather pending, most dogs don't particularly enjoy a nice outdoor breather when it's hailing outside!) outside getting some air and letting the dog smell his or her home natural environment. If the dog likes to play perhaps we will play with some toys outside too! Then we will come inside and I will make sure that every animal has the food and water they need. I also do a brief check of any obvious health problems (dehydration, bloat, urinary blockages, difficulty breathing, high fever, vomiting/diarrhea etc..) and a tick check - even in winter I've found ticks on dogs! For cats, I make sure the proper amounts of food and water are out for them, and I generally give them a few minutes to come to me and let me know they are ok. Most cats respond well once they are familiar with a person's voice and smell, so over time, it will get easier for us to greet each other and hang out!
Before I leave, I send a text / picture (unless the kitty is in hiding in which case I will notify you of that), of our little visit, and I will check to make sure your home is securely locked on my way out.
Overnight Stays
Each overnight stay at my home is for 24 hours of coverage. Each overnight stay is for 12 hours of coverage per day if it is in the client home - meaning, I will go out and service other clients during the day and be at your house intermittently to make sure your home and pets are fed, able to use the bathroom, and secure. For all pet sitting stays, an initial $30.00 consultation is required - the $30.00 acts as a deposit on your first overnight stay and is deducted from the total charge of the stay. All overnight stays include a complimentary dog walk for each night of the stay as well as a 5% discount for repeat customers of more than 4 overnight stays per year. Clients may choose between boarding at my house, which is fenced in on three acres of maintained land, or in the client's home depending on the individual animal's needs.
Cancellation Notice
Clients may cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before our appointed services.
There is a 50% fee for all cancellations after the 24 hour window for all of the above services.
Please note that there is a surcharge per holiday boarding.